
這是Before sunet中,女主角茱利蝶兒自彈自唱給伊森霍克聽的那首歌,這首歌收錄在電影原聲帶之中,由蝶兒本人所唱,這是歌詞。大概是才剛溫習過電影,所以覺得歌聲和旋律都隱約可記。也召集強者能不能找找這首歌呢?哈哈....我不敢翻譯,因為中文字幕版翻得一定比我好得多,真希望有人知道官方翻譯啊....

Julie Delpy - A Waltz For A Night

Let me sing you a waltz
Out of nowhere, out of my thoughts
Let me sing you a waltz
About this one night stand

You were for me that night
Everything I always dreamt of in life
But now you're gone
You are far gone
All the way to your island of rain

It was for you just a one night thing
But you were much more to me
Just so you know

I hear rumors about you
About all the bad things you do
But when we were together alone
You didn't seem like a player at all

I don't care what they say
I know what you meant for me that day
I just wanted another try
I just wanted another night
Even if it doesn't seem quite right
You meant for me much more
Than anyone I've met before

One single night with you little Jesse
Is worth a thousand with anybody

I have no bitterness, my sweet
I'll never forget this one night thing
Even tomorrow, another arms
My heart will stay yours until I die

Let me sing you a waltz
Out of nowhere, out of my blues
Let me sing you a waltz
About this lovely one night stand

好吧!我又成癮了,因為嗇色後來也選擇沒看Before Sunrise,加上電影年代久遠,但是真的是一部很特別的電影,無論怎麼選擇,什麼樣的順序,都是我非常推薦和喜歡的電影,所以,還是把Before Sunrise的劇情簡介找來。真是....亂浪漫一把的,這劇情,無論什麼時候看都還是這樣覺得。啊!補充一下,這部電影榮獲了1995年柏林影展的最佳導演獎!

片名:愛在黎明破曉時(Before Sunrise)




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